
Friday, May 25, 2018

The #DogBookBlogTour Giveaway — Announcing the Winners!

Wow, what a month it's been! Hectic, but really really good. The tour was fabulous, full of so many people who love animals and care about their well-being—and of incredible bloggers who made room for me & the Dog Book in spite of busy schedules and computer issues and personal stuff. And, as if that wasn't already above and beyond, they took the time to write lovely introductions, beautiful words in favor of rescue and animals in general, and some really really beautiful (and totally undeserved) things about me as well. I have the greatest blog friends, y'all. I can't thank you enough.

Okay. The giveaway. I'm sorry for posting so late; there was a certain writing deadline I missed (by, like, three weeks) and that piece absolutely had to go out today. Also, I wanted to include the commenters on Birgit's post, which she worked so hard to get out yesterday—technically no longer part of the tour, but... well, I thought it was only fair to include her readers.

With no further ado, here are the results:

We had a grand total of 130 entries for the Dog Book Blog Tour Giveaway. I included the comments from all the tour posts, starting with the Checklist for Adopting a Rescue Dog at Susan Arthur's 'Freezerburned' on April 24th and ending with Birgit's dog movie post yesterday; officially the tour closed on Monday, with Debbie the Doglady's post "Many Ways to Help", but Birgit really went to incredible lengths to get the post out as soon as she possibly could, so—yes, her readers were included. (And thank you, Birgit. You're a star.)

I included multiple comments from the same person (replies, for instance, counted as an extra entry). I did not include the host blogger's comments, though. I hope I can be forgiven for that... It would've tipped the scales unfairly, I think. (Yes, the host bloggers will receive a special gift all their own.)

So I put all these 130 commenters in an Excel spreadsheet, went to Google's random number generator, and asked it to give me three numbers between 1 and 130. These are the numbers it produced:

Number 7 corresponds to none other than D. Wallace Peach (of Myths of the Mirror fame), for one of her comments on A Tale of Two Puppies (chez Damyanti, April 27th).

Number 121 belongs to Cat, for one of her comments on the closing post at Debbie D. Doglady's this past Monday.

Number 97 is none other than Inge Jacobs (aka The Belgian Reviewer), who commented on no less than six of the tour posts! Inge, thank you so much for your warm comments everywhere. I'm so glad we met through this tour, and I look forward to staying in touch with you. (Oh, #97 is for her comment on Elsie Amata's lovely May 10th post.)

There you have it, folks: D. Wallace Peach, Cat, and Inge, if they choose to accept the mission prize, will be getting a signed copy of It's About the Dog in the mail soon—well, soonish. I ordered said copies just under a month ago, and I expect it will be another two to four weeks before I receive them. (Island life... ) But as soon as I do I'll be signing them and sending them out.

Tomorrow morning I'll troll the net to find email addresses for these luckiest of lucky winners, or leave a comment on their sites (that should probably be the first option, eh?), to notify them. In the meantime, if any of you three see this, please email me at guilie (dot) quietlaughter (at) gmail (dot) com and send me your mailing address. Pretty, pretty pleeeeeease :)

(Full giveaway rules and guidelines can be found here.)

All my gratitude to everyone who participated, everyone who hosted me, everyone who commented and shared and sent good vibes our way. The blogosphere is a wonderful place, but you make it special beyond words.


  1. Congrats on having such a successful book blog tour :-)

  2. Congratulations to the winners and to your for such a wonderful tour. And thanks again for the opportunity to be part of it! Now you must need some rest after such a whirlwind!! Congrats again and take care!

    1. You're absolutely right, Julie! It's good to get a full night's sleep again, haha :) But it was *wonderful*, and I loved every minute of it, sleepless nights and all. I'm so glad you were a part of it!

  3. Congratulations to all the winners! How cool that one of them came from your post at The Den. It was a fabulous tour, Guilie, and I was glad to be part of it. Your book is a wonderful primer for would-be rescuers and should inspire more people to get involved.

    1. Thanks so much for joining the tour gang, Debbie, and for making the tour such a success. I don't know that anyone shared the posts as much as you did, or visited so many of them. Your comments were always heartwarming, and your enthusiasm was, I think, contagious. Thank you so much for all your support, and for being my friend :)

    2. My pleasure, as always, Guilie. ♥ Cat said she tried to email you at the address you wrote, above, but it didn't go through. I've asked her if I can give you her email but she didn't reply yet. Alternatively is there a different one of yours I can give to her? Email me, if you see this. Thanks!

  4. Inge | The Belgian Reviewer: Thank you so much, I'm very happy to accept this.. prize :-) and I can't wait to read It's About The Dog. Well I can wait, definitely, no problem :-)

    1. Haha—looks like you won't have to wait too long, Inge; the copies arrived the day after I posted this! If all goes as planned, your copy should be shipping out tomorrow (Friday). I'm so excited to hear what you think! And thank you so, so much for the enthusiasm... Really means so much to me :)

  5. Great Congrats to the Winner!

  6. Congrats to all of the winners! Loved reading about this.


No love like Dog Love--or Blog Friend Love!