Saturday, December 19, 2015

And on the 9th day...

God made a dog.

Happy weekend!


  1. When I saw the title, I knew I had to stop in. I am a big dog lady and little dog lady as a matter of fact.
    I read your post about the homeless. Animals are a great support. There are several vets in this area who take care of homeless people's pets. They recognize the bond these people have with their animals. The animal is the closest friend and family many of these people have.

    1. I'm so glad you visited, Ann! Always lovely to connect with a fellow dog lover :) You're spot-on about the closeness and support animals provide—to everyone, but especially to those that have few other sources of emotional links.

      Thanks for coming by!

  2. I just watched this...realized it was right before Christmas when I was slacking:) Dogs are the best thing and I love this! God spelled backwards is dog:)


No love like Dog Love--or Blog Friend Love!